Fr Angus will be ordained priest on 26th September and serves in the parish of St Mary, South Ruislip

My curacy thus far has been deeply nourishing and has been both a time of great assimilation and of wonderfully diverse and rich experiences. I am deeply blessed having a Training Incumbent who is brilliantly supportive and who is also keen to nurture and sustain that all important continuing process of study and learning. The experiences of being a transitional deacon has been both profoundly humbling and also deeply re-affirming. I have without doubt, like my brother curates, experienced the joys of serving at the altar at Mass, and of pastoral ministry whilst experiencing the frustration of not being able to offer ‘proper’ blessings to some of the myriad visitors to our church- despite their earnest pleas.

It has also been a time of great frustration and something tantamount to mourning- at not being physically present at Mass to receive the Blessed Sacrament, nor sing the Exultet in my diaconal year: a difficult experience but I look forward to that glorious day in September at Michealmass when, God willing, we are ordained to the Sacred Priesthood; when we will all be able to preside at Mass – the source and summit of our Christian lives.