Diocesan Secretaries are appointed by the General Secretary.
Diocesan Secretaries are asked to keep the work and needs of the Society before the Diocese at Diocesan Synod, at Clergy Chapter meetings and at any other suitable moment when there is a meeting of clergy. The ACS will do all it can to help the Diocesan Secretary. Posters and other material can be printed.
Parish Secretaries are the backbone of the ACS
Parish Secretaries are asked to undertake a few minimum duties, but are at liberty to use their imagination in creating interest in the mission of the Church at home and support for the work of ACS. The main duties of a parish secretary are these:
1) To distribute the ACS magazine ‘Good News’ and to increase its circulation whenever possible.
2) To bring to attention the importance of the ‘home mission’ work of ACS when the PCC plans its missionary giving.
3) To encourage the parish priest to use ACS collecting boxes
or gift envelopes during Advent or Lent.
4) To encourage the parish priest to allow a Day of Prayer ‘for more priests’ on or around June 29, using free prayerful literature available from ACS and hopefully also using ACS collecting boxes or gift envelopes.
5) To organise, if possible, some fund raising event during the year.
Please remember that the ACS financial year ends in September.
6) Secretaries who are in a parish with a curate supported by ACS should remind the parish that when the grant was agreed the parish promised to observe an ‘ACS Sunday’ when the work and needs of the Society would be brought to the attention of the parish, a sermon on the sacrament of Holy Order would be preached, and that a donation, however small, would be sent to ACS.
Free literature and posters are available.
What is it like to be an ACS Parish Representative? Click here for the thoughts of one of our supporters