Michael is the Assistant Curate of Worksop Priory and was ordained to the priesthood on 30 June.

I come from a Christian family; my Grandfather was an Anglican Priest, and my Mother’s family have strong Methodist roots. I grew up in rural Norfolk, where, despite close proximity to Walsingham, the Faith was conveyed to me rather gently through the BCP, ASB, Hymns A&M and ‘Cross & 2 Candles’ religion. Then, whilst in the Sixth Form, amid interest in Politics and study of the Italian Renaissance and TS Eliot, I was confirmed; and I found the richness of the Anglo-Catholic tradition, especially a devotion to the Holy Eucharist, which I nurtured whilst reading German at Leeds and Tübingen, where I was able to place it in its true context of the world-wide Church.

I entered the travel industry, initially leading coach tours on the continent and in the UK, and then also working many seasons in Switzerland [where I was able to enjoy good food and conversation, hill-walking, travel by rail and historic paddle-steamers] as well as in Egypt and Dubai.

I trained for Ordination at St. Stephen’s House Oxford and was made Deacon last year to serve at Worksop Priory, whose committed, Catholic-minded, people know how to “pray hard and play hard”. Many non-Church people in the town also still feel a residual connection, however, slight, with the Priory where many of them were baptised or married. It is a pleasure and a priviledge to train here.