Thomas is a Deacon, serving St Michael and All Angels, Lancing.
Ordination? What a terrific and terrifying idea. In England? Don’t be silly; how strange that would be for someone who is half Danish and half Dutch. Marriage? Highly unlikely; after all, my DDO asked me in my first interview whether the monastic life might not be very suitable for me with my enthusiasm for the single, celibate life. Children? Well, obviously not after the above.
Yet all of the above have become and are about to be true when ordained in Chichester to serve my title in Lancing with the lovely people at St Michael and All Angels and under the excellent guidance of Fr Felix Smith. This was not what I expected when I gave up my Primary School teacher job five years ago to work for a year at Pusey House in Oxford. Yet that, by the grace of God, is what has happened far beyond my expectation.
Ordination? If you’re sure Lord, then yes.