Donations are sent in by parishes and individuals.
Many parishes divide their missionary giving taking into account the mission of the Church abroad and the mission of the Church at home. ACS benefits as a home mission society. At the turn of the century an Archbishop of Canterbury urged all parishes to support ACS generously because, as he put it, all other missionary activity depended on a strong Christian foundation at home.
Much has changed over the years, but there is still a need for building up a strong Church at home. This is the primary task of ACS and the Society goes to the very heart of building up a strong Church by ensuring that parishes have priests. Parishes tend to send their missionary giving to ACS after Christmas and after Easter.
Money may come from the general income of the parish, or by using mission boxes during Advent and Lent. ACS encourages prayer for more priests during Petertide (June 29) and provides gift envelopes for use during this time. Individuals send donations to ACS. If they are tax payers, it is beneficial to sign a ‘Gift Aid Declaration’ so that the Society can claim back the tax on the donation. Banker’s Order forms are also available so that regular donations can be made either monthly or annually.Legacies are much valued. They are invested and not used in one-off grants or projects. A steady income from legacy investment income means that someone who supported ACS during their life time can continue to support the work many years after their death.